Changes in healthcare have resulted in many seeing an increase in wait times for access to care, decreased flexibility of scheduling appointments and limited time spent with your therapist in an crowded setting.
Changes in healthcare reimbursements have also led to clinicians treating more patients than ever resulting in less one on one time for patients with the clinicians and less manual therapy. As a direct result, length of visits and plans of care are increasing often at increased cost to the patient as well as prolonging the time spent away from your activities.
In addition, many insurance companies will only allow treatment of one body part/injury at a time. Often this forces both the clinician and the patient to make a difficult choice as to what injury is most limiting to address first. This may results in your other issues being pushed to the side and often leads to worsening of these issues over time and overall continued decrease in function.
In order to provide the highest quality of individualized care, Phoenix Physical Therapy is an out of network provider which means we accept direct payment at time of service - but that doesn’t mean you cannot use your insurance. Most insurance plans have Out of Network benefits which means you may be eligible for reimbursement of some or all of your costs. It is recommended that you call your insurance carrier to understand your full Physical Therapy benefit since insurances may not cover as much as you think they do. While paying out of pocket may, at first, seem more expensive than traditional insurances, many patients find that once they fully understand the out of pocket costs, they realize Phoenix Physical Therapy is a cost effective option.
It is important to realize that often your health insurance PT benefit includes high copays, deductibles and visit limits. You will find that Phoenix Physical Therapy provides:
More focal care with one patient/one therapist in clinic
Ability to treat more than one injury at a time
More efficient visits – often requiring fewer total visits in your plan of care
Fewer visits lead to lower overall costs to the patient both financially and in time spent away from work and family.
Safer environment with full Covid precautions/cleaning and sanitizing in place
If you would like more information on the process or help in figuring out your specific insurance benefits, please call 617-256-6205 or email: [email protected]